It is an offence to use a hand-held mobile phone while driving a motor vehicle. This can include whilst being stationary in a vehicle with the engine running for example at traffic lights. The prosecution must prove beyond reasonable doubt that you were actually driving with a phone in your hand and in use.
Contrary to popular belief, use does not just mean making or receiving calls and can include messaging and use of apps on smartphones.
The most common penalty passed is 6 penalty points and a fine.
Our solicitors have defended clients facing allegations of using a mobile phone whilst driving a motor vehicle. It is often the case that the only evidence against the client is the statement of the police officer who has alleged to have witnessed the client using a mobile phone whilst driving. Our solicitors are not afraid to defend matters at trial; call police officers to Court to question and challenge this evidence.
Our solicitors are here to actively explore the defences available to you if you have been charged with this offence. It is important that you have an expert solicitor representing you at Court to ensure the allegations made against you are defended. Our solicitors are experienced in advocating and raising the issues of “special reasons” in your personal circumstances to avoid a ban.
If you have been charged with this offence or have received a Court summons, please contact us today to discuss your matter in detail with one of our experienced solicitors.