Fail to Stop / Report

Fail to Stop / Report

There are a number of duties on a driver in the case of an accident or incident under Section 170 of the Road Traffic Act 1988. It is an offence to fail to report an accident and fail to exchange details. This is commonly referred to as “hit and run”. This carries significant penalties.

More commonly these offences are dealt with by way of penalty point endorsement of 5-10 points. Sentences can even be of significant periods of custody if they involve failing to stop for the police when required todo so.

If involved in an accident where damage or personal injury has occurred, the driver must remain at the scene to provide their name and address as well as the details of the owner of the vehicle. If there is nobody to report the accident to, then you are required to report the accident to a police station within 24 hours of the accident.

Common defences include the fact that the accused was not driving, they had no knowledge of any accident occurring or that they did indeed exchange details as soon as possible.

The only burden on the accused is that on the balance of probabilities that had no knowledge that there had been an accident if relying on this defence.

How we can assist:

Our solicitors have experience in defending clients at police station and Courts who are facing allegations of failing to stop. We understand that various circumstances can occur where a client who is facing such allegations has a reasonable and explainable defence. It is therefore vital that you have an experienced defence advocate at Court to defend the allegations against you and further your defence at Court on your behalf to achieve a positive outcome.

We have experience in actively exploring the circumstances surrounding the allegations and examining the statements made by police officers and are not afraid to challenge the evidence by the prosecution at trial.

If you have been charged with this offence or have received a Court summons, please contact us today to discuss your matter in detail with one of our experienced solicitors.